HomePlayStation VRHow to deal with menu flickering on PlayStation VR

How to deal with menu flickering on PlayStation VR

Here are some tips on how to troubleshoot the annoying menu flickering issue on your Playstation VR headset.

While menu flickering isn’t a major problem, it can be very annoying.

One of the common reasons why gamers prefer PlayStation over PC for gaming is because it makes everything easier. You don’t have to worry about drivers, hardware updates, recommended requirements, or the dreaded Blue Screen of Death!

For the most part, PlayStation VR just works. But from time to time, gamers encounter errors or system freezes that cause frustration. Menu stuttering and flickering are one of them. I came across this recently when I tried to show off my virtual reality headset to a friend. All this time the menu was fluctuating, and this greatly spoiled the impression.

Luckily, we have some tips to help solve this problem!

Why does menu flickering occur in PlayStation VR?

The most common cause of this issue is a game running in the background while you are trying to navigate menus in VR mode. This means that the easiest solution is to temporarily close this game until you are done working in the menu.

PlayStation VR PS4 Pro

Some users say that the problem is more common on the regular rather than the Pro version of the PlayStation 4, which is likely given the increased hardware capabilities of the Pro. This problem, of course, is not a reason to buy the new Pro version, so if you are having problems with menu flickering, you need to find out the reason. This could be another thing worth knowing about.

Please note that some applications do not close completely when exiting, but remain running in the background. Littlstar and YouTube are two great examples. You can close them completely by pressing and holding the PS button and selecting “exit” from this menu.

Network activity such as downloading and updating can also cause the menu to become stuck in VR mode. To pause a download, do the following:

  1. Go to notifications.
  2. Select Downloads.
  3. Press X on a game that is loading or updating.

The final cause of problems with menus is themes. Some users using custom themes have reported that switching to the default theme solved their problem.

Have you encountered such a problem?

Performance problems may seem daunting at first, but they can often be resolved with a few simple steps. Have you encountered a similar problem? Maybe you know another solution that we haven’t mentioned? Be sure to let us know by leaving a comment!

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